Order DVD
Tango with Blues
      2020 January Torquay (Victoria)
Tango with Blues
      2020 January Torquay (Derwent)
WCS with Jive
      2019 November Torquay
Lindy Hop
      2019 June Torquay
Jive & Blues
      2018 May Torquay
Tango with Blues
      2019 January Torquay
WCS with Jive
      2018 November Torquay
Lindy Hop
      2018 June Torquay
Jive & Blues
      2018 May Torquay
Tango with Blues
      2018 January Torquay
WCS with Jive
      2017 November Torquay
Lindy Hop
      2017 June Torquay
Jive & Blues
      2017 May Torquay
Tango with Blues
      2017 January Torquay
Jive with WCS
      2016 November Torquay
Lindy Hop
      2016 June Torquay
Jive & Blues
      2016 May Torquay
Lindy Hop
      2016 February Torquay
West Coast Swing
      2016 February Torquay
Tango with Blues
      2016 January Torquay
Earlier DVDs available
      on request


2018 November WCS with Jive Weekend Order Form

Featuring Lee & Fab, Kevin & Aggie, Tom &Marika, Dawn & Lee and Phil & Wendy.

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